I may of over looked this one.....

Friday, 19 February 2010

.....what do you think?!


Marina said...

I think the composition's not as crisp in this one as in the first of the last post. The camera angle isn't as compelling and having him centered in the frame also takes some of the drama away. In the other one, his face & body pop out of the background and there's a lovely tension between him up close on the right & his surroundings receding on the left. I get less of a feeling of depth with this one, as his face & body appear flatter against the background...Lots of citicism! I hope I'm being helpful. :)

Caroline Hancox said...

you are being helpful, thanks its good to hear what people really think rather than just being nice. I like nice though too!!

Diane said...

My husband and I like this one best. Yes, I have to agree that having the subject in the middle is a bit predictable, but we really like the interest in the background, the overall mood of your subject and the exposure is spot on. My husband also liked your choice of lens for this one. The lens used for the first one of the previous set created more distortion of Matt's body...larger head, small body.

I actually find there is more of a feeling of depth with this new photo; since you created more definition between foreground and background by keeping your subject in crisp focus and blurring your background. Choices, choices, choices! ;-))

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