I am planning on placing an advert for my wedding photography business on some blogs and also in a local listings magazine. I have come up with some possible ideas but I can't decide if any of them are any good or which one is the best so I am asking you guys! Please let me know what you think. For the blog ones there doesn't have to be any website info as they are click through links but the local listing magazine is printed so there needs to be my web address and contact info. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
The ads are quite small so they need to be eye catching but not too cluttered.
The top one. The picture shows at its clearest, and the text is reasonably clean and uncluttered.
thanks Ian x
I love the simplicity of the first one. Beautiful image, -simple and striking- after all it is all about the photography.
But i think the typeface of 'photography' fights a bit with 'caroline hancox'
Is there a way you can have the logo as it displays on your blog? i think the type looks really nice here.
Yes, I can do. That was how it started then I just carried on going! I'll try out your suggestion though. Thanks so much for the comments, its so goo to have a fresh pair of eyes xxx
I like the first one best too. I'm with Ian. It showcases your photography more and doesn't let it get cluttered up by design.
I like the first one the most, simple & elegant with no distraction from your lovely Photo... Which blogs are you planning on advertising on? As you can imagine, I'm obsessed with Wedding blogs at the mo!
hey! so glad to see who's behind that print shop:)
i honestly love your banner and would click on it if i saw it somewhere, but the first one's great:)
I love the simplicity of the top one. It's my favorite. The light and colours in it are so warm and inviting. It's the kind of photo that makes me want to click on an ad.
Thanks lovely ladies! Really pleased to hear your opinions. I think it'll be number one then!
Siobhan -This one:
and also probably this one:
to start with anyway - we'll see how that goes
but I'll email you!! x
I like the first one too, actually. And the 2nd to last one :) You might want to check out advertising here, too: http://galadarling.com/static/small-business-advertising
Gala has a pretty big readership so it could be worth looking into :)
I like 3 and 4.
I love the last one!
My favourite is the first one as well. Clean and simple and it will definitely be the most eye-catching.
Ronnie xo
first one it is! I put the advert in last week and it should be out soonish! How exciting!
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