My shop is now properly live and up and running!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Very exciting news, I have been working away in the background sorting it all the bits out for my new shop on Etsy and went live on Friday! Please go and take a look and let me know what you think. I hope you like it.

If you are wondering about the name of my shop (my Mum was!) then it is a bit of a nick name my boyfriend gave me because I have a tendency to collect pretty things like ribbon and then put them 'in safe places' then completely forget all about them. John than comes along and opens a draws to find a perfectly rolled up little bundle of ribbon - hence ribbon squirrel!

I am also taking part in the Poppytalk handmade market which went live this morning and there looks like there are loads of goodies on there. I'm going to round up my favourite pieces and write about them another time but in the meantime head on over there to have a look at all the handmade lovelyness.

Christmas shopping starts here! (isn't this months poppytalk banner lovely)


studio meez said...

I love your photography and I like the name of you shop!

Ashley Moore said...

What fantastic looking prints! Congratulations on opening up a shop!

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