So it was quite an eventful weekend - we had snow, not just a dustin either - at least 5cms!!. This may not sound too eventful for most people but it is a big deal over here - the country just goes completely loopy. Everything stops and every single conversation starts with either "its a bit nippy today isn't it?" or "its snowing" or "i'll never get my car out in this" or "its too cold to leave the house" or "make sure you wrap up warm" or a variety of any of the above.
It was possibly not the best weekend to do my first craft fair but nevertheless I think it went pretty well. It was quite quiet because of the weather but I sold quite a few cards and a some prints, and about half the people that came by said nice things and bought something, so I am taking that as a success. Here are some things I learnt:
1. It is not as scary as I thought it was.
2. It is OK if everyone that looks at your work doesn't buy it - it is not a personal attack!
3. I took waaaaaay too much stuff - next time I will be streamlining my collection, it wouldn't all fit on the table and I realised that I probably had too many prints to look through, but then choosing my favourites is always a problem.
4. It is very very good if you have a happy helper with you - thanks John, you were fab!
the snow pictures are so pretty! congratulations on doing your first fair! so nice to see your work displayed! I always have a hard time editing my work for the shows. I always have the too much or not enough problem. and I am always learning new things by doing the fairs. my favorite part is all the lovely people you meet.
thanks! and yes I agree - loads of lovely friendly faces! Its also so good to meet other crafty/arty types, planning my next one!
love the misty, snowy shots!
congrats on your 1st fair!
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