Papergirls and Murder Mystery Parties

Monday, 5 March 2012

Papergirls is coming to the UK, Birmingham to be exact.  This is such a great project where people send in Art and then it gets FREELY distributed by bicycles to whoever is lucky enough to be hanging around on the streets that particular day.  I've sent them some stuff so I hope the person that picks up the roll with my pieces in likes them!  Its such a good way to make art more accessible and fun.  If you are interesting in submitting some work to the project then visit their website for more info, you've got until the end of the month:

This weekend was such a good one, I had a photo shoot in the morning on Saturday for a bikini line which was great (more about that another day) and then we dashed up to Lincolnshire for a Murder Mystery party.  I've never been to one of those before so had no idea what to expect.  The only thing that I knew was that I had to be the murderer!  I found this out about 3 weeks ago and have had to keep it quiet for all this time (very hard for me to do) but it was worth it, so much fun and I didn't give the game away!

I was a bit scared that I'd get nervous and drunk and then spill the beans but I managed to fool most of the party!  Woohoo!!!!


Ronnie said...

That is so cool that you got to be the murderer! You probably had the most fun. :)

I love murder mystery parties - had one for my 21st in fact.

Ronnie xo

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