Oh and I need to know by next Wednesday OK?!
which one???
Thursday, 18 February 2010
This is Matt. I took his portrait a while ago for a project I am doing called What is England, I think I have mentioned it before. Well anyway - I don't know which one to choose! The last one is really grainy as I used 1600asa film but I think it must of been a particuarly grainy one as I have used it before and it wasn't this grainy? Maybe it was pushed/pulled in the processing, I don't know. Either way this is the result. Help me decide please?
Caroline Hancox Photography All rights reserved © Blog Milk Powered by Blogger
The first one, for sure. It puts him in context - there's a bit more story to it than the other two. His body language/expression look very relaxed & natural in that one as well and the composition is nicely balanced. Good shot!
I think the first one, it's more interesting gets you asking questions, where is he? why is he there? and him being face on gives an intimacy and equality between the viewer and picture. Great photo :)
I like the third one. I like the grainy nature and the shadows and the light...and I feel like it really draws me in. all great shots.
For me, it's a toss up between one & two. I like the way the first two show a more specific location than #3. (something very English about the tops of the buildings.) Although I like #1, I do wish I could see his hands the way we do in #2.....hands always speak words and tell me a lot about what the subject is thinking and feeling. #2 seems to be more about Matt himself and less about his surroundings....which, depending on the article could work or not??
Although I do really like the graininess of #3, the mood of the photo is very dark, slight troubled feel.
Wow, thankyou for all your comments! I still ahve no idea which one to go for though! I guess I really should make up my own mind because it is so subjective which this just totally proves!
Also I have found another one which I might like too - I need to learn t make decisions!!!
I like number two! Isn't it funny how everyone likes a different one. Go with your gut.
i know! thats what makes it so hard. I went with number 2 in the end though, although I went back to the original file and re-cropped it. I am not sure if that was a good idea or not but it is done now!
Hi, I like the photo you decided on for the What is England? project, nice natural pose. Nice photo.
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