Thoughts from my head and Samm Blake

Wednesday 26 June 2013

I went to see Joanna Brown and one of the things that she said to me (she said many - more on that to come) is that I should read this article as she thought that it would resonate with me.  Well, I did and well, it does:

What I have to say by Samm Blake for the Define Journal

Not only is she talking complete sense but it is like she is talking directly to me.  I am struggling a bit at the moment with keeping up with my part time photo job at the university, my blossoming business and also some quite/me time not to mention time with loved ones.  I havn't been to visit my Grandparents for waaaaaay to long and this need redressing.  Also taking the time to create for creating's (is that a word?) sake is something that has not been a time priority recently which it should be.

I like this quote from the article:

-  Your imagination is like a muscle that needs a constant workout routine to stay in optimum shape. You cannot just decide to run a marathon tomorrow. You need to train for that. For months. Vigorously. View your imagination in the same way. When was the last time you took your imagination on a 5k run?

So true, changes are coming I think.......

ps.  The photo at the top of this post is from Rob and Lucy's wedding.  I LOVE it because is full of apprehension and anticipation in the nervous moments leading up to her wedding.

pps.  I realise that this is similar to this post a little while ago but I guess that these topics are on my mind at the moment and I really just want to be the best that I can be and a bit of soul searching is never a bad thing!

ppps.  ALL of the articles from The Define Journal are worth reading - get lost in them for a while.


Ashley Moore said...

It's very true that your imagination is a muscle... I know I often get caught up in the craziness of life and don't slow down to take it out for a spin.

The Define school might be exactly what I've been looking for to stretch and push myself to improve my photography! Thank you for the link!

Caroline Hancox said...

You should definitely have a look, you'll love it x

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